Design Challenge Winners

The winners for the 2011 Lil Blue Boo/Dharma Trading Co
design challenge have been announced and they are amazing!
BIG Congrats to the winners,

{3rd place} Vanessa of Punkin Patterns -
This messanger bag is fantastic!

{2nd Place} Sarah from 2 Giggle Boxes!

I love, love, LOVE this sunsuit! The colors, the ruffles, the seahorse - swoon!
I *must* make one for Baby V*!
{1st Place} Gin from Earthtone!

Seriously, SO lovely!

 Congratulations ladies! You are all SO talented! :)

As I mentioned in this post, this was the first design contest
I have ever entered - I submitted my Peace Love Baby burp cloths
and much to my surprise, my project finished in the Top Ten! Whoo! :)
I am SO excited!

You can check out all of the fabulous entries at Lil Blue Boo -


  1. thanks for visiting my blog and yes i do love the colors of the wreath against my black door!

    thanks for visiting. now following. happy to meet you. ove your blog and looking forward to perusing your blog and shop.


  2. Anonymous4/20/2011

    Thanks for the mention! I love the colour of your burp cloth. It caught my eyes. Yes, it was fun participating. :)


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