Sewing With Kids–The Glam Unicorn Skirt

My girls and I were chatting last week and Iyla mentioned that homeschool would be a lot more fun if there was more time for crafting. Since one of the perks of homeschooling is that we have some flexibility with our daily schedule, I happily agreed. I figured I’d block off some time each week that would be dedicated to creating.  Conveniently,  my fabric delivery arrived the next day! As soon as I saw this pretty unicorn print in person, I knew it would be perfect for a sewing lesson. Excitedly, Iyla agreed and quickly decided she wanted to make a skirt.
unicorn fabric for girls twirl skirt

With a little supervision, she was able to make this pretty little skirt in one afternoon using the “Playground Skirt” tutorial from my blog. She has done some hand-sewing, and bits of sewing on the machine here and there, but this was the first time she worked on something from start to finish all by herself. She was so diligent. It was the sweetest thing. 

Kids can sew. How to make a twirl skirt

I tell ya friends, give your kids the paints. Buy them the cool calligraphy kit. Set them up at the sewing machine. Allow them to bake that cake. Let them explore their interests and talents. God gives us all special gifts; encourage your little ones to discover theirs. Who knows, this girl may take over Daydream Believers one day!  Have a joy filled weekend! xx

Love the look? Recreate it!
The Playground Skirt is a FREE pattern by Daydream Believers Designs, available HERE
Fabric is Sarah Jane Studios for Michael Miller, available HERE


1 comment:

  1. I love it and I’m planning to have sewing session with my kids this weekend. You’ve got me a good project idea to sew and another good thing is that I have some nice fabrics in my stock room that are enough for us to finish some skirts or shorts maybe. Spending time with kids and doing crafty things could make our relationship with them closer and more loving. I’m sure kids would always love learning new things with their parents. Homeschooled kids have more opportunity to do what they really love and learn more things all at once.


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