It's no big thing, I just want to change the world!

So I’m that girl

The eternal optimist who, genuinely believes
we all have the ability change the world.

Who believes with my whole heart that EVERY single act of kindness,
no matter how small, MAKES A DIFFERENCE!

Who prays everyday that the impact I make is a positive one.

Who seeks to live my life in a way that will make Him proud.

That girl.

I cry at ASPCA commercials.
I ache when I think about the millions of people who are in need.
I strive to live a humble life; determined to give whatever I can.

The hubs jokes that he’s going to come home one day to find I’ve given away our house; he knows that he married that girl. ;)

It's no big thing, I just want to change the world!

I’m sharing this today because I know that so many of you
queen bees and daydream believers, are also that girl; and I am
so blessed to know you all through this crazy-awesome-bloggy-world!
I appreciate your friendship and your support of my little blog. :)
We reached 50 followers this week {Yea!}

Have a great weekend, Friends! :)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on hitting 50! :) PS, I cry at those ASPCA commercials too. I have to leave the room or change it singing "lalalala" so I wouldn't hear Sarah McLachlan's "I will remember you..."


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