Ice Cream Cone Party Hat

This week, my sweet little baby V* is turning 2!

{Photo by Jes Brown of Captured}

V* is such a joy!  She is sweet and funny and oh so bright!
She lights up my life and makes everyone she meets smile!

To celebrate V*s special day, we hosted a small ice cream
social for our family. I have been planning her bday celebration
for months and just about flipped when I came across this
party hat from One Charming Party! I knew V* HAD to
have an ice cream cone hat for her Ice Cream Social! :)

Here's what I came up with-

A REAL ice cream cone, Ruffles, Chiffon, and a big ol' Baby V* bow!

{These pics were from the night I finished the hat - she was anxious to wear it!}

{V* recently started winking; it cracks me up every time!}

 She is such a doll!

The party was yesterday, and the hat was a BIG hit! :)
I will post more pics from V*s ice cream social as well as
details of V*'s custom birthday outfit later this week! :)
Here's a sneak peek! ;) Happy Monday!


  1. This is soooo much cuter than the paper cone hats!

  2. Oh my gosh, how cute is she?! I'd love for you to come link up!!


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