Ice Cream Social Birthday Party

As I mentioned in {this} post - this year, we hosted a small ice cream social to celebrate Miss V's 2nd Birthday.

The easy diy-decorations included custom fabric buntings
and sweet pom-pom garlands.

I LOVE the way V's party outfit came together! :)
ADORABLE ice cream tank by Vintage Lucys
Pettiskirt & custom party hat by Daydream Believers
Our fav red sneakers; Chuck Taylor All Stars by Converse ;)

A sweet little party for a SWEET little lady! :)


  1. Oh My this is the CUTEST this ever...her in her tutu sitting on the table eating the ice cream is just priceless. I love that. Great party.

  2. What a cutie pie! That outfit is outrageously fun! I’m a big believer in having a big bash for the 1st birthday and a more intimate party for the 2nd. This looks like a perfect party for a 2 year old!

  3. What a cute party and birthday girl!!

  4. That hat is ridiculously cute!

    Shannon Tracy
    the Enchanted Yankee


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