The Ultimate Little Girl Party Skirt!

A few nights ago I had a vision... a super pettiskirt. 
It would be the ultimate dress up skirt.
It would be ultra full.
 Comfortable to play in.
 Extra twirly.
It would feature fabulous fabrics, ruffles, embellishments and lots of chiffon fluff.
...loads and {LOADS} of chiffon fluff.
It would be lady like and lovely, but comfy and playful too.
 It would be the ultimate dress up skirt...
Coming to the Daydream Believer Shop soon! ;)


  1. So cute! My daughter would love it. I'm sure she'd start twirling the second she put it on. =)
    (via TT&J)

  2. Soo cute! I love how frilly:) Can you make one in my size? I promise I will love wearing it!!

  3. Oh how I need a daughter...Eli and Ben Henry would look quite silly in tutus...shucks..Beautiful!!

  4. Do let us know little girl is just starting to get into tutus and would LOVE this!

  5. I have two girls. An 8 yr old and 3 yr old. I can just see them wearing this!!! SO cute!!

  6. I love little girls in big puffy skirts. My daughter is starting to outgrow really full puffy skirts. It makes me sad.

  7. So pretty! This makes me want a girl so bad!!! I'm your newest follower! :)

  8. I love the colors, is there a waiting list :)?! Have a great weekend!

  9. This is darling! I love it!! I am visiting from Tatertots and Jello and I am a new follower!!! I would love if you would come by my blog today or tomorrow morning and link this up to my Delicately Constructed party!!
    Hope you have a great weekend!


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