On my heart today. Countdown to Kindergarten.

If you really knew me....

You would know that Iyla starts Kindergarten on Tuesday
and that this milestone is affecting us all in different ways.

You would know that I expected to be nervous, anxious and a little sad.

You would know that I didn't expect to feel so unprepared.

That I surprised myself by just how difficult sending her to school really is.

You would know that I am SO excited for her to start this adventure,
but so sad because OUR lifestyle is going to change.

You would know how much I have LOVED these last five years, when we were able to just BE.

No schedules, no expectations, just sweet, slow, lovely life, filled with smiles, laughter, pj days, made up holidays, random dance parties, messy crafts, afternoon naps, long walks, make believe, cuddles, celebrations, joy, PEACE.

You would know that I feel so blessed to have spent these years at home with my girls, letting them grow up slowly.

You would know what a joy it has been for me to watch them explore the world in their own unique ways.

You would know that I’m scared that she’s not ready to go, that the “real world” will hurt her or crush her spirit.

You would know that Craig and our girls are my world.

You would know that their happiness is everything.
That I want so much for them.

I want them to be confident and to celebrate their uniqueness.

I want them to be kindhearted and brave; I want them to make good choices, every day.

I want them to Love, and to be Loved. To make great friends, and have great adventures.

I want them to be filled with Joy and Compassion.

If you really knew me, you’d know that I love my life, and that I want my girls to live full lives.

You would know how much I cherish my daughters. How long I prayed for them. How much I LOVE them.

If you really know me, you would know that I will need extra hugs, tissues and café mochas on Tuesday.

You would know that I am praying for you, and wishing you peace.

What is on your heart today?


  1. Hugs!! Lots and Lots of Hugs!!

    We could stop by if you have a free moment on Tuesday :) Just let me know!


  2. If you really knew me you would know how much I LOVE you, and that I am so excited to watch Iylie branch out into the world, I feel that she is so special and that she has so much strength and spirit in her that she needs to share some of her joy with the world now, and I feel like That is all because of you! I feel that she will do wonders in this world and she will make a difference in many peoples lives, she has such a unique personality and she will find great friends just by being herself. So I feel that you should continue to help her to keep her head held high and a smile on her face just like you always have. I know your nervous (I am too) But I feel that we shouldn't worry, because I KNOW that no matter what bumps on the road that are infront of us we, and there will be plenty, but we will all be here for each other, always. I feel that it is time to be excited for her and to know that it is going to be so exciting to watch her do all of the fun stuff we did growing up. I know that Iyla will do great and I feel so thrilled that she will be such a great role model to Vivi and Lia. I feel that we have a lot to look forward too and a lot to be scared about, but the most important thing for us to do now is smile, and keep thanking God for all of our wonderful blessings. xo Stay strong! You are such a wonderful mother, be proud!

  3. If you really knew me you would know how much I LOVE you, and that I am so excited to watch Iylie branch out into the world, I feel that she is so special and that she has so much strength and spirit in her that she needs to share some of her joy with the world now, and I feel like That is all because of you! I feel that she will do wonders in this world and she will make a difference in many peoples lives, she has such a unique personality and she will find great friends just by being herself. So I feel that you should continue to help her to keep her head held high and a smile on her face just like you always have. I know your nervous (I am too) But I feel that we shouldn't worry, because I KNOW that no matter what bumps on the road that are infront of us we, and there will be plenty, but we will all be here for each other, always. I feel that it is time to be excited for her and to know that it is going to be so exciting to watch her do all of the fun stuff we did growing up. I know that Iyla will do great and I feel so thrilled that she will be such a great role model to Vivi and Lia. I feel that we have a lot to look forward too and a lot to be scared about, but the most important thing for us to do now is smile, and keep thanking God for all of our wonderful blessings. xo Stay strong! You are such a wonderful mother, be proud!


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